目前分類:PhatK Rollin' 之奶爸心聲 (12)

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Snapped this one while Maru was rocking the swing as though she’s still in elementary school!


Love this one for we can all see our inner child living it out loud ,ain’t this pretty?




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I come , I conquer.

I go , I wonder .

If this all worthy.

It's in my blood , rooted in my soul .

Never ever be so close , yet feel so remote .

3 years and half , gone if I shall be .

I'll never forget , the sky that is so clear .











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It has been a while, but what goes around comes around so here I am back again,Suomi!

Always nice to drop a visit back to the home base.


This is Daddy's main man in Finland Vesa who has 8 kids , looks like I have a lot to learn from

this guy

Albeit a short and tight stay, how can you not visit a good friend's home after traveling 8,500 km from Tokyo . Look left to the basket, that suits Daddy just fine.

Vesa's wife Minna , twins Ella and Alla and the latest member Mikka. I am loving these kids.

They are truly an adorable bunch to hang out with.

After the Suomi style dinner, it is a must have to have the dessert, very Scandic and yummy


To start with whole grain ,chest nuts with ice cream topping will save you from 10 degree summer in FInland.

Check this beauty out. Rhubarb riding the creamy pure young cow milk cheese.Can't have enough of this sucker !!!You can only have this in Arctic circle!


Now here is something to envy about. Playground in the back yard where any kid will go crazy for.

What's better than an evening walk all the way to the beach and pine woods, especially when it only takes 10 minutes to do so from home

Only possible in Santa's land, midnight sunset. Can yo imagine the breeze of winter ski on this ?

Back to the backyard to chill a while.

Now Daddy's serious about moving to Finland. This has gotta be the best place for my boy to grow. We will have a garden so Mommy can grow some strawberry and veggies and you and Daddy can go crazy in the back yard the whole evening.

So fall my beloved mother land .

So ruined she is by the whack gangs.

Go west is for Pet Shop Boys.

Go North will be for PhatK's Joy

All love ,Boy

Happy Birthday

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- All love , all heart



- Daddy's custom - made Xmas card featuring YoYo



- Shopped off impulse in Ueno , Spiderman Q version , resembling my boy



- You are always on my mind , you and you
Daddy's coming home for Xmas , you and you



- pictures taken by Nokia N82 , somewhere in Meguro , Tokyo , sole property belongs to PhatK





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He was born with pale-faced .


Hypotonia ... Respiration Distress .... Bradycardia .... Shock .... CPR was needed .....

Vital sign to be stablized .....


He is my boy !


When we walk through the shadow of the valley of death , we have no fear .

 'cos we believe in Our God above , we believe in ourselves , we believe in YOU , YOYO .


Atta-Boy !


All Love !  







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Just arrived at Sentosa isle in Singapore and was checkiing some news on-line from home .


They were talking about how Singapore is superior to Formosa and all that

and the latest breaking news ( to me at least ) is that some knuckle-head from Singapore

educational faculty was complaining to the counterpart in Taipei , a . k . a .,

China Town in Taiwan about how " weird " some of the exchange students have from Taiwan

and how they wanna " ship " those kids home .


For crying out loud ,

if one small city in low life SEA can top the pearl of NEA in any sense ,

Lenovo will have beaten Apple in designing ingenuity .


You can not control people in a democratic country with authoritarian

like you can not stop people from jaywalking with fines

or coerce people to giving seats to the need on a public tranportations

like the butt - headed maylor of China Town by setting up spy cameras .


You don't , not in a for - the - poeple ,

by-the-people type of freeland , it's all on self - respect , capice ?





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#40 was pitching quite ok this morning albeit the result was not the best one can expect .


As the first employee from Taiwan in my company ,

 I always have the sense of obligation that I can't allow myself to fail

because that will certainly transcend my mere self and go all the way up to my mother country , the Formosa .

That's what keeps me going and continuing striving to be the best .


This goes the same to my boy and my wife back home ,

#40 in NYC and every single Formosian around the globe .


Let's go my baby  boy and daddy and mommy will always be there for you .







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Dear Fluffy and Buck ,


It's Pop . How you kids doing ?

Let me introduce you littles the cute baby sister , Kai - chan , daughter of Pop's good friend .

She's always smiling and very receptive , not afraid of getting to know strangers .

You konw that you'll have already friends you can hang out with in Tokyo  : )

Pop loves you and misses you . Take care of your mom for me , will ya ?


Your old man , PhatK



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It's Xmas time again , and all I want for Xmas is ... except for a Leica M7 + summicron F2 50 mm and a PAM 233

 is You  !!!  Babe  : )



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Dear Fluffy and Buck ,


Don't know who will come first but according to your mom , might be Buck first  : )


I don't like the atmosphere back home in Taiwan , like your mom had put it ,
we need a bit more humanity but less hatred .


Daddy's hometown is no longer the right place for you to be raised
so Daddy's finding you the warm , polite , urbane place for you to grow happily .


When people are busy wasting ,
mouth-shooting one another in Taiwan ,
folks around Tokyo are flocking in Tiffany picking Xmas presents for their loved ones .


Be strong when confronted ,
but always pose sympathy towards people around you .
This is how you gonna be .


I hope to get your mommy here the soonest I can
so that she doesn't have to be bombarded with those political nonsenses .


I LOVE YOU , MARU , FLUFFY AND BUCK and Daddy's holding the pieces for you for your 18 th Xmas .


Peace ,






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My babe is already 0.5 cm and I know he /she is  strong ,that is  my kid .

I can't wait to get them something and these are the first kiddie books that I/m gonna read for 小花花和小草草

Daddie's coming home soon ,babes.



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Thought I should carry on for my babe though she's now back home .

Nothing special this eveing , the Nabe I made since last night , the shrimp 'n crab 'n broccoli salad.

Now it starts to occur to me that writing and keeping a blog is no easy task. Miss you babe.



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